Thursday, 18 October 2012

Birkenhead Market NHS Stalls

We now have a NHS Healthy Lifestyle Stall here in Birkenhead Market. It is a one-stop-shop to help you - stop smoking - lose weight - get more active - eat healthier - look after gums & teeth - relax & unwind and find out about FREE activities in your area, from Tai-chi and Salsa classes to healthy walks and cooking on a budget - you can even have your blood-pressure checked...why not drop in to Tate Aisle today?
for more information please phone us on 0151 666 3194/5

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Market Stalls Birkenhead

If you are thinking of starting your own stall then we can help by providing both indoor and outdoor stalls at reasonable prices.
We are currently inviting traders who we feel are not currently represented on both inside and outside units. Inside stalls are on a ‘weekly lease’ basis. Our rents are reported to be among the cheapest in the country however there is no service charge.
Our outside stalls are on a ‘daily licence’ basis and spaces are unrepresented trades starting from just £16 per day.
For more information please visit our website
Or contact us on 0151 666 3194/5